I have spent my whole life observing humans, being fascinated with humans, but especially, seeing what they don’t see about themselves. I see them hurting themselves without even knowing it. I witness them often feeling proud or in need to live a completely distorted life (not conducive to their well being or that of others), because it is celebrated by the society standards, or because they believe it keeps them safe and pleased.
This inability to see what we’re doing to ourselves comes from woundings. I got caught in those standards too because of my own woundings. Being hypersensitive comes with a lot of power, but also with a lot of painful experiences in the subtlest ways. However, when I started remembering my truth and realized what I was doing with myself, I took ownership and started to change my life. Several times. On a macro level for example, I quit the “very valued” engineering life I had chosen under my parents’ very well-intended and loving advice - when I was trusting their wisdom more than mine, which is a distorted, conditioned, mechanism - and became a stage and film actress-singer-dancer instead, which corresponded much more to what I had always loved most in life. And then, when even that didn’t seem to be actually aligned with the life I knew was mine to live, I took ownership again and embarked on a profound healing journey filled with a deep remembrance of life’s existential mysteries buried within me.
After that, my family started believing that, based on what I was now saying, I had been brainwashed by a guru. Which is truly fascinating because reclaiming my own power to choose for myself was precisely what I was doing. I was speaking of sovereignty, of intuition, of the naturally healing powers of the human body, of the importance of owning our inherent primal wilderness. I was speaking freely, something I hadn’t done for so many years in order to please expectations - to save myself from imagined threats (this is how conditioning works): the opposite of blindly following a guru’s way of living. The opposite of following anyone else’s truth but mine, really.
I believe humanity has been guru-owned without realizing it, conditioned to fear and love what other people have told them to fear and love, and taught to see people who think for themselves as brainwashed and guru-owned.
(By the way, the original meaning of guru is guide, and there are many gurus who are actually doing the very honorable work of guiding people towards themselves, towards their own inner trust, by setting an example, by being a reflection of who they can be if they so wish).
History has shown that when all becomes uncertain, like in 2020 for example, the vast majority of humans shits their pants and buys into so much misinformation, that they start relying on people they don’t even know, but who have a shiny society-approved label on them, more than on their own inner built-in intelligence, in order to “stay safe”.
Also, the current systems humans function within and spend so much energy perpetuating (the educational, medical, political, industrial, agricultural systems, etc) are in fact born from, and in turn, cause, so much distortion. They are dependent on people living in fear, the opposite of giving “power to the people”, or “freedom”, in spite of what they claim to be doing. These systems impose and feed off of co-dependency: the mechanism of denying one’s true needs in order to keep pain and shame away, to keep the guilt of unintentionally harming others away, to please some peers that will provide connection, or to be rewarded by a hierarchic figure that will then provide validation and security. Keeping people in the fear of those things, fear of nature, fear of others, fear of their own intuition, is necessary for the system to keep functioning. And so, in fear and distortion people live.
This phenomenon has been breaking my heart open since before I was even able to articulate it, because in my way of seeing, the human system is actually incredibly intelligent, inherently, and it’s as though we as a species are behaving in complete denial of the ineffable exquisiteness of this inherent intelligence we have.
Nobody can understand the depth of it at this point on earth, it belongs to the mystery that our current brains cannot fathom. But because understanding with the “left-brain” mind has been the only acceptable foundation of the last centuries, our societies and cultures have been missing out incredibly on this built-in intelligence, and even crushing it down completely. The enormous amount of disease we witness today globally is merely a result of that.
You see, that intelligence can only be accessed when we know how to set aside this need to understand sometimes, and let the “right-brain” work its magic too, the intuitive and surrendered side of us.
This is what the rise of the feminine means, by the way. Not women becoming more male-like.
But I digress.
What I mean to say here is that the power to choose the daily moment-to-moment actions that lead a person to a life that is most aligned, which means most healthy, most expansive, joyful, loving, most successful and abundant, that power lives within oneself, and ONLY within oneself. And - get that - the best news of all, is that it doesn’t only serve the one person’s life: the moment to moment choices that are most aligned for one are actually the choices that are most aligned for ALL OF LIFE. Does it sound like a fairy tale? Yes, it does, because this experience we’re sharing called LIFE, IS a fairy tale. And more and more people are starting to remember that, which I adore. My inner system can exhale. Aaaaah. Relief.
The human species is the most evolved version of consciousness existing on earth, and what that means is that we have the opportunity to not only live in paradise, but to also be AWARE that we are living in paradise, and know how to keep it this way for one and for all simultaneously. It’s called the inner kingdom and we each and all have the capacity to become kings and queens.
Of course in certain countries, certain dramatic situations, the range of power I am talking about starts extremely small. For some it’s merely the power to choose what to think, or the power to choose how to breathe (if you’re held in a dark prison or hostage somewhere). For others it’s obviously much broader. There are indeed also the living beings that are in constant need of intense care, people born with organs or neurological pathways that are requiring constant help, but even they have their range of power, and they usually know it, more than their caregivers do...
I said earlier it has broken my heart open that humans do not know the built-in intelligence of their own way of functioning, and keep living lives that hurt when they could choose otherwise. It broke my heart because if you were walking around the streets seeing people literally punching their own faces all day without knowing, or without realizing they are able to do anything about it, I assume you would also have your heart broken. But it broke it open because the magic of humans having a built-in intelligence is that even that unconsciously self-imposed hell can be reversed into heaven when we finally allow the intelligence to do its thing.
We are miracles in form and my personal work has been about understanding that even this absolute fuckery I’ve been observing, has its place on the path of evolution, and has the power to transform itself. But here’s the catch: each person needs to - and has the capacity to - realize what they’re doing to themselves on their own, and choose to change things from within. Nobody can do it for them. Such is the way the whole game of life was conceived. This is the meaning of Free Will. It’s not a coincidence that Free Will is the foundation of all spiritualities. I am not talking about the distorted dogmatic interpretations, I am talking about the deep message behind them all.
Whether you like it or not, our current societies and civilizations are all founded on some form of spirituality of the past, however atheist we have become: the laws “do not kill”, “do not steal”, and the morals we base our human agreements on, all come from there. But the message that has been missed in all of the spiritualities at the origin of our societies, is that we are in fact, each and everyone of us, this mysterious intelligence, this divine intelligence, in form. It is not an external entity to be worshiped, it is who we are. And we are here with everything at our disposal to live in paradise, but we need to acknowledge it from within and take our sovereignty back in order to actually do that.
No matter how far we seem to be from that right now, I believe it’s the only reason we’re here. We can do it, it starts somewhere.
You choose where. Your body will tell you.