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Des mots pour Soi
18 déc. 20205 min de lecture
We were meant to forget who we are.
If you are often anxious about money, about health, about safety, if you have trouble finding hope these days, if you believe you need...
2 nov. 20205 min de lecture
Transmission from Oneness to the Warriors of Light.
It is not possible for us to do wrong. 1 * It is what we believe that becomes true * We are the creators of this life. We are the “I AM”...
11 août 20203 min de lecture
The higher octave
We are at a crossroads. The choice we are being presented is not between left or right, or doing the “right” or “wrong” thing. The choice...
8 juil. 20203 min de lecture
The Orgasmic Life of Trees.
I was standing on my parent’s balcony this morning, listening to the trees that majestically stand in their building’s courtyard garden....
27 mai 20206 min de lecture
And humanity sighed in relief.
The Earth LOVES us. Right now. In spite of what we’re doing. She couldn’t care less about what we’re doing. The natural disasters she’s...
18 mars 20205 min de lecture
Ready for the Crown (Corona)
You know when you go through a hardship and once it’s over and you’ve gone back to a calm state, you realize you’re a different person,...
13 févr. 20204 min de lecture
The Pleasure of the Now
The only moment that really exists is the Present Moment as it is perceived by you who will read this. That’s it. The past exists only in...
24 déc. 20194 min de lecture
I was in Mount Shasta yesterday, and it had snowed. I stepped into a piece of lawn covered in untouched snow and I felt so much pleasure...
4 sept. 20193 min de lecture
The inner critic. Convinced he will save you by making sure you correspond to his ideal. And he will accept nothing less, because if you...
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